
U nastavku pogledajte Fortrade Pravila i uslove. Možete ih direktno pogledati na Fortrade Pravila i uslovi
Upozorenje o riziku: Trgovanje deviznim sredstvima, Ugovori o razlikama (CFD’s) I drugi finansijski instrumenti nose visok nivo rizika za kapital investitora, i ne moraju biti pogodni za sve investitore. Budite svesni: Možete izgubiti sve, ali ne više od bilansa Vašeg poslovnog računa. Pre podnošenja zehteva za primanje usluga od strane Fortrade-a, Klijent bi trebalo pažljivo da razmotri svoje ciljeve, finansijsko stanje I nivo iskustva I rizike povezane sa trgovinom deviznih sredstava, CFDa I ostalim finansijskim instrumentima.
Fortrade Limited je autorizovan i ovlašćen od strane Organa za Finansijkso poslovanje, broj ovlašćenja (609970).
Ovo je važan dokument. Zadržavamo pravo da ne vršimo nikakve transakcije sa Vama ukoliko i sve dok ne naznačite da ste pročitali i prihvatili ove uslove. Vaše korišćenje naših usluga, u svakom slučaju, predstavljaju Vaše prihvatanje ovih uslova.
Ovi uslovi određuju pod kojim uslovima možemo da Vam omogućimo izvršenje, samo u vezi sa uslugama koje se odnose na devizna sredstva, CFD i/ili takve finansije ili druga sredstva koja Vam možemo ponuditi vremena na vreme.
„Ugovor“ označava ove opšte uslove, zajedno sa svim trgovinskim terminima, rasporedima, opremama, dodatcima, dopunama ili drugim dodatim dokumentima ili ovde navedenim;
„Ovlašćeni korisnik“ ima značenje dato u tački 8.1 ovog Ugovora;
„CFD“ označava ugovor o razlikama, otvoreni ugovor bez fiksno određenog datuma poravnanja, koji može biti zatvoren na zahtev, od strane nosioca, za dogovoreni iznos gotovine predstavlja razliku između dogovorene cene osnovnog sredstva na početku ugovora i njegove cene na tržištu na dan zaključivanja ugovora;
„Klijent“ označava imenovanog Klijenta u ovom Ugovoru, zajedno sa svojim podružnicama, partnerima, naslednicima i/ili prijavljenim, zavisno od konteksta, svojim službenicima, direktorima, zaposlenima i zastupnicima;
„Račun klijenta“ označava FORTRADE račun Klijenta koji funkcioniše pod uslovima ovog Ugovora i omogućava klijentu i imenovanim ovlašćenim korisnicima da uđe u transakcije sa FORTRADE-om;
„Kolateral“ podrazumeva bilo kakav novac ili sredstva obezbeđena za FORTRADE od strane Klijenta kao kolateral ili sigurnost za bilo koju ili sve obaveze klijenta prema ili u skladu sa ovim Ugovorom, uključujući, bez ograničenja, produžetak kredita od Fortrade-a Klijentu i/ili maržu u transakcijama;
„Kreditni limit“ označava granicu za ukupan iznos kredita koji će FORTRADE pružiti klijentu kao što je opisano u tački 8.3.1;
„Novac Klijenta“ znači novac Klijenta kako je definisano u FCA Pravilniku;
„Zakon o zaštiti podataka“ označava Zaštitu podataka 1998, Direktivu o zaštiti podataka (95/46/EC), Direktivu o zaštiti podataka elektronske komunikacije (2002/58/EC), Regulative privatnosti i elektronske komunikacije (EC Direktiva) 2003 (SI 2003/2426) i sve važeće zakone i propise koji se odnose na obradu
ličnih podataka i privatnosti;
„Dan“ označava dan kada su komercijalne banke u Londonu otvorene za poslovanje (uključujući i poslove sa deviznim sredstvima i CFD);
„Druga ugovorna strana“ ima značenje kao što je definisano u CASS 3 i rečniku FCA Pravilnika;
„FCA“ označava Organ za finansijsko poslovanje;
„FCA pravila“ označava pravila FCA;
„Slučaj više sile“ označava slučajni događaj koji je izvan razumne kontole pogođene strane ovog Ugovora, uključujući, ali ne ograničavajući se na: akt rata ili terorizma, radnih sporova, dela ili propisa bilo kakvih državnih ili nadnacionalnih organa ili vlasti, slomova, neuspeh ili kvar na bilo kojim telekomunikacijama, elektronske ili kompjuterske usluge, mreže, platforme, sistemi ili neuspeh bilo kog posrednika brokera, agenta, staratelja ili substaratelja, dilera, razmena kliring hartija od vrednosti ili regulatorne ili samoregulativnie organizacije ili bilo koji drugi događaj koji izaziva materijalni poremećaj na tržištu u pogledu osnovnih sredstava ili instrumenta;
“ FORTRADE “ označava Fortrade Limited autorizovan i registrovan u Engleskoj i Velsu sa brojem Kompanije 08619610, čije je sedište na 43-45 Dorset Street, London, W1U 7NA i njene naslednike i / ili zaposlene;
„Fortrade Sajt“ označava web sajt koji je obezbedio FORTRADE i dizajniran od strane FORTRADE -a kao sajt koji je povezan sa Službama;
„Intelektualna svojina“ znači (i) patenti, pronalasci, dizajn, autorska i srodna prava, prava na baze podataka, zaštitni znakovi i slična priznanja, trgovačka imena (bilo da su registrovana ili neregistrovana), i prava za podnošenje zahteva za registraciju; (ii) vlasnička prava u imenima domena; (iii) znanje i poverljive informacije; (iv) aplikacije, dodaci i zamene u odnosu na bilo koju od ovih prava; i (v) sva druga prava slične prirode ili koja imaju ekvivalentno dejstvo bilo gde u svetu;
„Zahtev za maržu“ označava iznos koji FORTRADE može prema svom nahođenju da zahteva od klijenta da plati, pored depozita hartija od vrednosti, utvrđenog isključivo od strane FORTRADE -a;
„Depozit hartija od vrednosti“ ima značenje navedeno u tački 8.5 ovog Ugovora;
„Obaveštenje“ ima značenje navedeno u tački 14. ovog Ugovora;
„Onlajn platforma“ označava FORTRADE -ov onlajn sistem transakcija za obradu i izvršenje poslova koji se odnose na devizna sredstva, CFD i/ili takve finansijske ili druge instrumente na osnovu kojih FORTRADE, s vremena na vreme, može ponuditi usluge;
„Otvorena pozicija“ označava ugovor u kome je klijent zapčeo transakcije sa FORTRADE -om, i gde je neophodno izvršiti još jednu transakciju kako bi se zaključio ugovor;
„Nalog“ označava instrukcije saopštene od strane klijenta ili ovlašćenog lica FORTRADE -u, koje sadrže i ponudu za FORTRADE da uzvrši trgovinu;
„Pravno lice“ ima značenje kao što je definisano u CASS 3 i Rečniku u okviru FCA Pravilnika;
„Citirane greške “ ima značenje navedeno u tački 8.10 ovog Ugovora;
„Maloprodajni Klijent“ ima značenje kao što je definisano u CASS 3 i rečniku FCA Pravilnika;
„Usluge“ podrazumevaju pružanje isključivo usluga izvođenja od strane FORTRADE -a u vezi sa deviznim sredstvima, CFD i/ili bilo koje finansijske ili druge istrumente u pogledu kojih FORTRADE, s vremena ne vreme, može da ponudi isključivo usluge izvođenja.
„Trgovina“ označava transakciju koju je preuzeo Klijent u skladu sa Ugovorom;
„Uslovi Trgovanja“ podrazumevaju dodatne uslovekoji važe za transakcije koje je preuzeo klijent u skladu sa Ugovorom koji se, s vremena na vreme, objavljuju na sajtu FORTRADE -a.
U ovom Ugovoru, primenjuju se sledeća pravila:
i) osim ako kontekst ne zahteva drugačije, reči u jednini će uključivati množinu i u množini obuhvataće jedninu;
ii) osoba uključuje fizičko lice, korporativno ili nekorporativno telo (koji imaju ili nemaju poseban pravni identitet);
iii) preporuke ugovorne strane uključuju svoje lične predstavnike, naslednike ili zvanično prijavljene;
iv) upućivanje na zakon ili zakonske odredbe je upućivanje na takav zakon ili zakonsku odredbu, koje se sa vremena na vreme menjaju ili ponovo donose. Pozivanje na zakon ili zakonske odredbe obuhvata bilo koje podređene zakonske odredbe, izvedene na osnovu tog zakona ili zakonskih odredbi, sa izmenama i dopunama ili ponovno usvojenih; i
v) svaki izraz uveden na osnovu uslova, uključujući, posebno ili neko slično izražavanje, može se tumačiti kao ilustrativno, i neće ograničavati smisao reči koje prethode tim terminima.
3.2 Prihvatanje ovog Ugovora od strane klijenta će biti, gde je to moguće, pozitivno afirmisano od strane Klijenta ili alternativno u Nalogu od strane Klijenta sa Fortrade-om ili na drugi način korišćenja usluga Fortrade-a nakon potvrđivanja ovog Ugovora.
3.3 Osim ako nije drugačije dogovoreno, ili na drugi način objavljeno od strane FORTRADE-a, deljenje kapaciteta FORTRADE-a i klijenta u transakcijama će za obe strane biti glavnica.
3.4 Ništa u ovom Ugovoru neće isključiti ili ograničiti bilo kakve dužnosti ili odgovornosti koje FORTRADE duguje Vama pod aktom Finansijskih usluga i tržišta iz 2000. godine ili FCA finansijskog pravila i ukoliko postoji neko neslaganje između ovog Sporazuma i FCA Pravilnika, FCA pravila će prevladati.
3.5 Ovaj Ugovor će stupiti na snagu na dan kada potvrdite njegov prijem tokom otvaranja računa, i za nove verzije nakon toga, na dan kada vas mi obavestimo. Ovaj Ugovor se isporučuje na engleskom jeziku i mi ćemo komunicirati sa vama na engleskom jeziku za vreme trajanja ovog Ugovora.
4.2 FORTRADE je registrovana na adresi 43-45 Dorset Street, London, V1U 7NA i njegovo glavno mesto poslovanja je Michelin House, 81 Fulham Road, London. SW3 6RD.
4.3.1 FORTRADE donosi procenu klasifikacije klijenta za potrebe FCA pravila I o takvoj klasifikaciji obaveštava klijenta u razumnom roku. Mi ćemo vas tretirati kao maloprodajnog klijenta osim ako vam nije drugačije naznačeno.
4.3.2 Klijent može kontaktirati FORTRADE i zatražiti ponovnu klasifikaciju ali FORTRADE zadržava pravo da odbije takav zahtev. Ako se FORTRADE slaže sa zahtevom klijenta da se ponovo izvrši klasifikacija, Klijent može izgubiti određene zaštite u okviru FCA pravila.
4.3.3 U određenim okolnostima, FORTRADE može imati potrebu da ponovo klasifikikuje klijenta. U takvim okolnostima, FORTRADE će obezbediti klijentu objašnjenje zašto se klijent ponovo klasifikuje, i kakav uticaj će takva ponovna klasifikacija verovatno imati na prava i zaštitu klijenta.
4.4 FORTRADE ne nudi finansijske savete. Ako klijent nije siguran što se tiče suštine zakonskih prava, podobnosti ili svrsishodnosti transakcije, trebalo bi da potražite savet od nezavisnog finansijskog savetnika. FORTRADE ne čini lične preporuke za investiranje u vezi sa uslugama ili preko Online platforme. Bilo koja informacija obezbeđena od strane FORTRADE-a, uključujući i one putem Online platforme, ili bilo kog povezanog sistema ili sajta je obezbeđena samo da pomogne klijentima da donesu svoje investicione odluke i ne treba ih tretirati kao preporuku za kupovinu, prodaju ili neki drugi način poslovanja pojedinom investicijom.
4.5 Iako FORTRADE ne pruža finansijske ili investicione savete, u vezi sa određenim vrstama posla ili usluga, FORTRADE je dužan da proceni prikladnost takvog poslovanja i usluga u odnosu na znanja, iskustva klijenta i razumevanja rizika. U slučaju da FORTRADE proceni da transakcija ili usluga nije pogodna ili odgovarajuća za klijenta ili nema dovoljno informacija o klijentu da bi uradila ovu procenu, FORTRADE zadržava pravo da ne deluje po instrukcijama klijenta ili na drugi način pruža usluge ili obavlja poslove za klijenta.
4.6 Bez obzira na klauzulu 4.5, klijent potvrđuje da će isključivo on biti odgovoran za bilo kakvu odluku da uđe u bilo kakve transakcije sa FORTRADE-om. FORTRADE neće biti odgovoran klijentu za bilo kakve gubitke koji mogu nastati kao rezultat oslanjanja na bilo koju informaciju koju je FORTRADE pružio, niti u slučaju da bilo koja transakcija, koja je izvršena u skladu sa ovim ugovorom, nije u potpunosti pokrivena maržom koju je klijent odredio ili je na neki drugi način dovela do gubitka na račun klijenta. Klijent ostaje u potpunosti odgovoran i snosi odgovornost za gubitke (osim onih izazvanih prevarom, nemarom ili namernom neizvršavanju novčanih obaveza od strane FORTRADE-a), troškove i dogovore koji proizilaze iz bilo kakvih transakcija u koje je stupio pre bilo kakvog raskida odnosa sa FORTRADE-om.
4.7 Gde FORTRADE obavlja transakcije za klijenta, on će (ukoliko nije naznačeno ili drugačije dogovoreno) biti u obavezi da obezbedi najbolje izvršenje, i, na taj način, da deluje u skladu sa svojom izvršnom politikom, koja može da se izmeni s vremena na vreme. Rezime izvršne politike FORTRADE-a je dostupan na sajtu. Klijent izričito pristaje na izvršnu politiku.
4.8 Gde FORTRADE obavlja transakcije za klijenta, čineći ih kao deo svog izvršenja-pružajući samo uslugu, što znači da nije u obavezi da obezbedi da je transakcija prikladna ili pogodna za klijenta i klijent možda neće imati koristi od ikakve zaštite pod relevantnim zakonskim zahtevima koji se odnose na prikladnost ili podobnost za tu transakciju.
5.1.1 izvršenje i isporuka od strane klijenta ovog Sporazuma, a izvođenjem svih obaveza klijenta razmatranih u okviru ovog sporazuma, ne krši bilo koji zakon koji se primenjuje na klijentu ili nije u sukobu sa bilo kojom obavezom (uključujući, bez ograničenja, sve ugovorne ili povereničke obaveze) u kojoj je klijent predmet;
5.1.2 Klijent je u skladu sa svim važećim zakonima i propisima;
5.1.3 sve informacije date FORTRADE-u od strane klijenta su istinite, tačne i potpune, i Klijent će obavestiti FORTRADE odmah o svim promenama takvih informacija;
5.1.4 Klijent će neprekidno obelodanjivati FORTRADE-u sve činjenice koje mogu da utiču na funkcionisanje ovog Ugovora ili o sposobnosti klijenta da ispuni zahteve za maržu ili da ostane solventan;
5.1.5 Klijent će obezbediti FORTRADE-u, sa takvim informacijama koje FORTRADE može zahtevati , da omogući FORTRADE-u da zadovolji svoje regulatorne i zakonske obaveze, uključujući, bez ograničenja, bilo kakve informacije koje se odnose na borbu protiv pranja novca, finansiranja terorizma i protiv mita i korupcije.
5.2 Ako je Klijent fizičko lice, pored izjava i garancija sadržanih u tački 5.1, takođe će pružiti garanciju da je starosti od najmanje osamnaest godina.
5.3 Ako je Klijent kompanija, firma, korporativno ili drugo pravno lice, pored izjava i garancija sadržanih u tački 5.1, takođe će dostaviti dokaze i garantovati da je pravilno konstituisano i inkorporirano preduzeće, i da poseduje potrebnu snagu da uđe u ovaj Ugovor i da su sve urađene transakcije u skladu sa ovim Ugovorom, a u svakom slučaju, ovaj Ugovor će i takve transakcije predstavljati kao pravno obavezujuće i kao izvršne obaveze klijenta.
5.4 Ukoliko Klijent postupa u svojstvu poverenika, pored podnešenih garancija sadržanih u tački 5.1, takođe podnosi garancije da:
5.4.1 je relevantni instrument poverenja važeći i u skladu sa svim važećim zakonima;
5.4.2 je Klijent adekvatno imenovan kao jedini poverenik;
5.4.3 Klijent ima pravo na naknadu štete od poverenih sredstava u pogledu ovog ugovora i transakcija razmatranih od strane klijenta;
5.4.4 će Klijent prihvatiti svoje obaveze kao poverenik;
5.4.5 Klijent neće učiniti ništa što može dovesti do gubitka svog prava na naknadu štete od poverenih sredstava;
5.4.6 će Klijent ostati jedini poverenik;
5.4.7 ako, uprkos gore navedenom, Klijent bude zamenjen ili pridružen kao poverenik, Klijent se obavezuje da će se obavezati kao novi poverenik i biti obavezan u skladu sa ovim Ugovorom i bilo kojim drugim ugovorom koji se odnosi na predviđene transakcije ovim Ugovorom, u kojem je klijent izjavio da je deo njega, ili dokumentom koji je identičan onom na snazi;
5.4.8 Klijent neće sklanjati, izdvajati na stranu ili distribuirati imovinu od poverenja bez pismene saglasnosti FORTRADE-a, osim ako je primoran da to učini od strane instrumenta poverenja; i
5.4.9 Klijent neće menjati ili odstupati od instrumenta poverenja bez pismene saglasnosti FORTRADE-a.
5.5 Ukoliko Klijent postupa u svojstvu poverenika, ali nije jedini poverenik uslov je da svaki poverenik da saglasnost u pisanoj formi da je vezan uslovima ovog Ugovora i svih transakcija izvršenih u vezi sa ovim Ugovorom pre nego što će FORTRADE pružiti usluge klijentu.
5.6 Ukoliko se Klijent sastoji od dva ili više pravnih ili fizičkih lica, onda pozivanje na prava ili obaveze klijenta prema ovom Ugovoru ili pod transakcijama predviđenim ovim Ugovorom daje to pravo ili nameće tu obavezu, kao što može biti slučaj, solidarno svim tim licima.
5.7 Klijent potvrđuje da će FORTRADE ući u transakcije razmatrane ovim Ugovorom oslanjajući se na izjave i garancije koje je Klijent dostavio.
6.2 FORTRADE će koristiti razumne mere predostrožnosti da očuva poverljivost informacija i materijala koje FORTRADE dobija od klijenta i / ili podataka koje klijent pruža, stvara, ulaže ili razvija u vezi sa uslugama koje klijent koristi. Bez obzira na to, jer takve informacije, materijali i / ili podaci mogu da se obezbede putem interneta ili faksom, Klijent ovim potvrđuje i slaže se da FORTRADE ne može da osigura da će takve informacije, materijali i / ili podaci i dalje biti poverljivi.
6.3 Klijent prihvata rizik od treće strane koja prima poverljive informacije u vezi klijenta, i naročito oslobađa i osigurava FORTRADE od bilo kog potraživanja koji proizilazi iz presretanja trećeg lica, pristupa, praćenja ili primanja bilo kakve komunikacije od strane klijenta ka FORTRADE-u ili od FORTRADE-a ka klijentu.
6.4 Klijent potvrđuje i prihvata da FORTRADE može otkriti bilo kakve informacije u vezi sa Klijentom ili bilo kog ovlašćenog korisnika (uključujući bez ograničenja, ime klijenta ili ovlašćenog korisnika i druge lične i finansijske informacije koje se odnose na klijenta ili ovlašćenog korisnika) svojim zaposlenima , predstavnicima, službenicima, agentima, partnerima, i matičnoj kompaniji, bilo vladinoj agenciji, entitetu ili organu (uključujući, bez ograničenja FCA), regulatornom ili samo-regulatornom organu, bilo kom dobavljaču Internet usluga ili drugog predstavnika treće strane ili davaocu usluga za bilo koju svrhu u vezi sa pružanjem, obezbeđivanjem, upravljanjem ili održavanjem usluga, ili u skladu sa važećim zakonima i propisima.
7.2 Klijent je saglasan da je FORTRADE jedini vlasnik (osim u meri u kojoj je vlasništvo ovlašćenog lica treće strane, uključujući i sva povezana društva) svih prava, naziva i interesa u Online platformi i bilo koje informacije ili podatka dobijenog od Online platforme.
7.3 Klijent neće biti u obavezi da, za ili u ime FORTRADE-a predstavlja sebe kao povezanim sa FORRADE-om, ili da je ovlašćen da deluje za FORTRADE ili, osim ako je izričito dozvoljeno u ovom Ugovoru, koristiti FORTRADE intelektualnu svojinu u bilo koje svrhe.
8.1.2 Klijent ovim osigurava i saglasan je da drži FORTRADE bezbednim u odnosu na bilo koji gubitak nastao od strane Ovlašćenog korisnika stupanjem u bilo koju trgovinu ili drugu transakciju razmatranu u skladu sa ovim Ugovorom. Svako imenovanje Ovlašćenog korisnika, napravljeno u skladu sa klauzulom 8.1.1, će ostati na snazi kao imenovanje u pisanoj formi zahteva Ugovora, osim ako je otkaz imenovanja i / ili zamene dostavljen FORTRADE-u.
8.1.3 Dok klijent ne obezbedi obaveštenje FORTRADE-u da je suprotno, FORTRADE može da nastavi da pretpostavlja da svi postojeći ovlašćeni korisnici imaju ovlašćenje da izvrše pravno obavezujuće transakcije sa FORTRADE-om. Sve instrukcije date i prihvaćene od strane ovlašćenog Korisnika će se smatrati instrukcijama odobrenim od strane klijenta i obavezujućim za klijenta.
8.2 Prihvatanje uslova trgovanja 8.2.1 Klijent može da postavi nalog sa FORTRADE-om preko onlajn platforme ili nekim drugim sredstvima koja FORTRADE može, s vremena na vreme, da utvrdi u pisanoj formi. 8.2.2 Plasiranje klijentovog naloga predstavlja sporazum sa FORTRADE-om i klijenta po uslovima trgovanja.
8.2.3 FORTRADE može, po sopstvenom i apsolutnom nahođenju, prihvatiti ili odbiti nalog. 8.2.4 FORTRADE će, u meri u kojoj to dopušta zakon, obavestiti klijenta o bilo kojoj odluci da je odbio nalog, ali nije u obavezi da obezbedi razlog zbog kog je nalog odbijen.
8.2.5 Ako FORTRADE prihvati nalog, može izvršiti trgovinu u skladu sa uslovima trgovanja, zajedno sa uslovima Ugovora.
8.3 Kreditni limit
8.3.1 Klijent potvrđuje i prihvata da: FORTRADE može pojedinim klijentima dati „Credit Limit“. Kreditni limit je unapred dogovoren iznos, na relevantnu valutu, koju odredi FORTRADE po sopstvenom i apsolutnom nahođenju i kojase može koristiti za obezbeđenje u odnosu na vrednost bilo koje otvorene pozicije ili neizmirenih transakcija; Ako se približava negativan znak otvorenoj poziciji na tržišnoj vrednosti , ili je premašio Kreditni limit klijenta, Fortrade zadržava pravo da od klijenta zahteva maržu u iznosu po svom nahođenju; FORTRADE može odrediti kreditni limit po sopstvenom nahođenju i apsolutnoj diskreciji; i Svaki kreditni limit FORTRADE-a, u svakom trenutku može biti smanjen, promenjen ili odmah povučen.
8.3.2 Klijent prihvata da FORTRADE deluje po instrukcijama koje bi rezurtirale u slučaju da je Kreditni limit prekoračen: FORTRADE nije u obavezi da obavesti klijenta da će kreditni limit biti prekoračen; Klijent će i dalje biti odgovoran FORTRADE-u za sve iznose, uključujući i one koje prelaze limit kredita; i FORTRADE nije dužan da deluje prema instrukcijama, gde bi kreditni limit mogao biti prekoračen.
8.4. Autorizacije limita FORTRADE može, po sopstvenom nahođenju, postaviti ograničenje ovlašćenja klijentu i / ili jednom ili više Ovlašćenih korisnika u bilo kom trenutku.
8.5. Depozit hartija od vrednosti Pre prihvatanja naloga, FORTRADE može po svom nahođenju zahtevati depozit između 0 i 100% od vrednosti naloga, u odnosu na bilo koju predviđenu ili postojeću otvorenu poziciju koju Klijent ima ili će imati sa FORTRADE-om I taj depozit plaća Klijent za FORTRADE (u “ Depozit hartija od vrednosti „).
8.6 Prisilna likvidacija
8.6.1 Klijent je dužan da održi dovoljan nivo depozita na svom računu u svakom trenutku. FORTRADE zadržava puno pravo da se prekinu sve otvorene pozicije: Ako se u bilo kom trenutku depozit hartija od vrednosti, koji drži FORTRADE, približava ili više nije dovoljan da pokrije negativni znak na tržišnoj vrednosti nekih ili svih otvorenih pozicija koje klijent ima otvorene sa FORTRADE-om; ili Ako u bilo kom trenutku unapred dogovoren kreditni limit dodeljen klijentu od strane FORTRADE-a više nije dovoljan da pokrije negativni znak tržišne vrednosti nekih ili svih otvorenih pozicija koje klijent ima otvorene sa FORTRADE-om.
8.6.2 FORTRADE ima pravo, po svom nahođenju, da utvrdi ocenu tržišne vrednosti s vremena na vreme.
8.6.3 Klijent će pratiti svoje stanje na računu s vremena na vreme i održavanje depozit hartija od vrednosti.
8.6.4 Pored drugih pravnih lekova na raspolaganju, ukoliko klijent ne uplati iznos za dospele obaveze u skladu sa ovim Ugovorom, FORTRADE ima pravo da raskine ( bilo kupovine ili prodaje) neke ili sve otvorene pozicije Klijenta.
8.7 Prebijanje dugovanja
8.7.1 Pored ostalih pomoćnih sredstava koja su dostupna FORTRADE-u, ako klijent ne plati bilo koji iznos koji je došao za naplatu prema ovom ugovoru, FORTRADE može da aktivira prebijanje tog iznosa ili bilo kog drugog iznosa kojeg Klijent plaća FORTRADE-u.
8.7.2 FORTRADE ima pravo da se obezbedi za bilo koji iznos od strane klijenta uključujući iznose primljene od FORTRADE-a ili u ime klijenta, ali ne ograničavajući se na novac dobijen kao depozit hartija od vrednosti ili zahteva za maržu. FORTRADE može odrediti bilo koji iznos koji će obezbediti poravnanje na osnovu svog slobodnog odlučivanja.
8.7.3 Klijent ne može prebijati bilo koji iznos koji je došao na naplatu od strane FORTRADE-a, niti bilo koji iznos koji FORTRADE duguje klijentu.
8.8 Kašnjenje iako će FORTRADE koristiti sve razumne napore da obradi trgovinu klijenta pravovremeno, FORTRADE neće, u odsustvu svoje grube nepažnje, namerne greške ili prevare, biti odgovoran za kašnjenja, oštećenja, kvarove ili greške pri završetku trgovine .
8.9 Tarife i cene tarifni i cenovni pokazatelji iz FORTRADE-a su dostupni preko Online platforme (u „Indikacija“). Indikacije nisu obavezujuće, a klijent je saglasan da prihvata ponuđene cene od FORTRADE-a kada se izvrši trgovina.
8.10 Citiranje grešaka ako se javljaju greške citirajući štamparske greške ili očigledne greške u citatu ili indikacije (u „Citiranje grešaka“), FORTRADE nije odgovoran za bilo kakve štete, potraživanja, gubitke, obaveze ili troškove koji proizilaze iz „Citiranja grešaka“. FORTRADE zadržava pravo da napravi neophodne korekcije i da ispravi „Citiranje greške“. Svaki spor koji proizilazi iz „Citiranja grešaka“će biti rešen na osnovu fer tržišne vrednosti, ako je utvrđeno da se FORTRADE ponaša razumno.
8.11 Osnovna valuta i konverzija valuta
8.11.1 Klijent može izabrati osnovnu valutu u američkim dolarima ili evrima.
8.11.2 Klijent potvrđuje da određene trgovine mogu, po slobodnom nahođenju FORTRADE-a, biti izražene u drugim valutama i da to može rezultirati njihovom pojavom u otvorenim pozicijama i drugim relevantnim iznosima prema ugovoru, koji su nominalno pretvoreni u osnovnu valutu klijenta.
8.11.3 Kada FORTRADE ulazi u transakcije u ime klijenta, koje su iskazane u valuti različitoj od bazne valute, FORTRADE može obavljati neophodne devizne transakcije (zajedno sa svim ogradama od rizika transakcije, transakcijom na osnovu polazne tačke transakcije) na datum poravnanja za transakciju, a ne na datumu trgovanja po srednjem kursu, izabranim od strane FORTRADE-a.
8.11.4 Osim ako nije drugačije dogovoreno, FORTRADE će automatski pretvoriti bilo u gotovini, profitu, gubitku, podešavanju, taksi, naknadi i drugim relevantnim količinama predviđenim Ugovorm, koji su nominovane u drugoj valuti u osnovnu valutu klijenta, pre upotrebe ovih iznosa na račun klijenta.
8.11.5 Fortrade može da apsolutno isključivo po sopstvenom nahođenju odredi datum, vreme i stopu u kojoj nastaje takva konverzija valuta.
8.11.6 Klijent će biti odgovoran za svaku proviziju, troškove i ostale izdatke nastale u Fortrade-u u vezi sa bilo kojom konverzijom valute i prihvata da Fortrade može primiti naknadu od trećih lica uključenim od strane Fortrade-a za pružanje usluga konverzije valute.
8.12. Neaktivni ili nedovoljno aktivni računi klijenata
8.12.1 Ukoliko Klijent ne trguje 180 dana uzastopno, njegov račun će se smatrati neaktivnim.
8.12.2 Kad Fortrade evidentira da je Klijent neaktivan, Fortrade će imati mogućnost da Klijentu naplati administrativnu proviziju (provizija za neaktivan račun) u skladu sa postupkom za neaktivne račune opisanom na internet stranici Fortrade-a, a koja će biti u visini potrebnoj da zadovolji administrativni trošak održavanja i vođenja takvog računa. Fortrade će naplatiti proviziju za neaktivan račun sa bilansa stanja, dan posle proteka „grejs“ perioda i potom na svakih trideset dana u budućnosti. Preciznije rečeno, odgovornost Klijenta po osnovu provizije za neaktivan račun prestaje kad ne bude imao sredstva na računu, odnosno njegov bilans dostigne nulu.
9.1.2 Klijent je dužan da se pobrine za očuvanje sigurnosti i poverljivosti korisničkih imena i lozinki. Klijent je takođe dužan da obezbedi da će svaki ovlašćeni korisnik, kome je dodeljeno korisničko ime i lozinka, nastaviti da ih čuva sigurnim i poverljivim. Klijent će odmah upozoriti Fortrade ako smatra da postoji i najmanja sumnja da korisničko ime i lozinke dodeljeni klijentu nisu na sigurnom i poverljivi.
9.1.3 Klijent je dužan da obezbedi korisnička imena i lozinke tako da isti ne mogu biti upotrebljeni od strane neovlašćenog lica. Kao deo obaveze klijent je dužan da obezbedi da klijent i svaki ovlašćeni Korisnik budu odjavljeni nakon korišćenja onlajn platforme.
9.1.4 Klijent neće koristiti onlajn platformu u suprotnosti sa zakonima ili propisima ili pravilima i u suprotnosti sa uputstvima regulatornih organa u bilo kojem relevantnom pravosudnom sistemu (uključujući, na primer, sve regulative o manipulativnoj trgovini ili druge trgovinske zloupotrebe).
9.1.5 Fortrade ne dozvoljava korišćenje Onlajn Platforme za nefer trgovinske aktivnosti ili iskorištavanje internet kašnjenja na bilo koji drugi način, za koje utvrdimo da mogu negativno uticati na fer i uredno trgovanje na onlajn platformi.
9.1.6 Fortrade ne dozvoljava manipulativno ili nasilničko ponašanje bilo koje vrste na onlajn platformi (kao što je širenje lažnih ili pogrešnih informacija na tržištu putem medija, uključujući i internet, ili na bilo koji drugi način sa namerom promene cene CFD-a ili osnovne imovine ili stvari), za koji utvrdimo da mogu negativno uticati na fer i uredno trgovanje na Online platformi.
9.1.7 Fortrade može u svakom trenutku bez prethodne najave klijentu da obustavi ili odbije pristup onlajn platformi iz bilo kog razloga, koji podrazumeva, ali ne ograničava se na bezbednost, kvalitet usluge, neuspeli pokušaj Klijenta da uplati iznos, zbog ili kršenja bilo kojih odredaba ovog sporazuma.
9.1.8 Bez ograničavanja bilo kojih drugih prava Fortrade može da polaže pravo prema sporazumu, na svako trgovanje za koju Fortrade utvrdi da je nastalo kao rezultat zabranjene aktivnosti pod tačkama 9.1.4, 9.1.5 ili 9.1.6, koje, po sopstvenom nahođenju Fortrade-a može postati predmet korigovanja cena ili ukinuto ili poništeno.
10.2 Klijent izričito ovlašćuje Fortrade da se oslanja i postupa, kao potpuno ovlašćeni i obavezujući u odnosu na klijenta, prema svakoj instrukciji koja se smatra da je zadata i koju je Fortrade dobronamerno prihvatio kao zadatu od strane klijenta ili ovlašćenog korisnika, bez daljeg ispitivanja od strane Fortrade-a u istinitost, ovlašćenje ili identitet osobe koja zadaje ili tvrdi zadavanje takve instrukcije i bez obzira na bilo kakvu komunikaciju koju je klijent potencijalno imao ili može imati sa Fortrade-om kako bi dao utisak navodnog ograničavanja lica od kojih Fortrade može primiti instrukcije, osim ako su se obe strane složile oko takvih ograničenja u pisanom obliku.
10.3 Bez obzira na gore navedeno, Fortrade može zahtevati, a klijent je saglasan da obezbedi, dokaz svih ovlašćenja za svako lice koje deluje, ili navodno deluje, za klijenta ili u ime klijenta (uključujući ovlašćene korisnike bez ograničenja). Klijent će biti odgovoran i vezan za sve naloge, trgovanja, ugovore, obaveze, troškove i izdatake koji su uneti ili koje je Fortrade preuzeo u ime klijenta kao posledica ili kao veza sa takvim instrukcijama.
11.2 Fortrade će dodatno imati pravo da zahteva da se druge vanredne isplate i troškovi izazvani neizvršavanjem obaveza Klijenta plaćaju odvojeno, od strane Klijenta.
11.3 Fortrade može davati, primati i deliti provizije, troškove ili drugu naknadu sa svojim saradnicima, uvođenjem brokera ili treće strane po pitanju unetih Trgovanja od strane Klijenta u svakom trenutku u skladu sa važećim zakonskim propisima. Detalji o takvim naknadama ili deljenju izmirenja ne mogu se utvrđivati izvan Trgovinskih uslova ili na osnovu relevantnih trgovinskih potvrda, izvoda ili drugih informacija o nalogu. Dodatno, Fortrade može imati koristi od provizije, marže ili bilo koje druge naknade kada postupa u korist ugovorne strane u cilju Trgovanja. Fortrade će u skladu sa važećim zakonskim zahtevima, ili na drugi način, gde je to moguće, nakon razumnog zahteva Klijenta, otkriti Klijentu iznos takve provizije, marže, ili bilo koji druge naknade plaćene ili primljene od Fortrade-a za ili od (ili zajedno sa) svojih saradnika, uvođenjem posrednika ili druge treće strane.
11.4 U skladu sa svim regulatornim zahtevima, svi iznosi prema sporazumu Fortrade-a biće, po sopstvenom izboru Fortrade-a: odbijeni od svih sredstava namenjenih Klijentu; ili se plaćaju unapred od strane Klijenta; ili se mogu izmiriti u skladu sa nekim drugim izvršenjem koji može biti dogovoreno sa klijentom.
11.5 Osim ako nije drugačije dogovoreno, kamata se ne neće naplaćivati sa dospele naplate od strane Klijenta na dostupnoj Marži ili na Maržni depozit na računu kod Fortrade-a koji služi za transakcije. Klijent je obavezan da plati kamatu na osnovu svih dospelih iznosa na dati račun putem Onlajn Platforme, od datuma kada je uplata izvršena do dana kada je uplatu primio Fortrade.
11.6 Pod nekim okolnostima veliki broj posrednika može biti uključen u platni promet i može odbiti naknadu. Banka koja prima novac može takođe da naplati naknadu. Ovi troškovi ne mogu uvek da se izračunaju unapred, a Klijent potvrđuje da će Klijent biti odgovoran za ove troškove. Fortrade neće biti odgovoran za eventualne gubitke koje proizilaze iz naknada opisanih u ovoj klauzuli, a koje se naplaćuju.
1.7 Fortrade zadržava pravo da od vas traži naknadu ako primimo povraćaj sredstava od bilo kog izdavaoca kreditne ili platne kartice ili preko bilo kojeg drugog načina plaćanja, iz bilo kog razloga. Možemo dobiti takvu naknadu kroz naplatu sa vašeg računa na kreditnoj ili platnoj kartici ili dobijanjem naknade od vas preko bilo drugog zakonskog sredstva. Svaka naknada će uključiti sve troškove i izdatke nastale kod Fortrade- a vezane za povraćaj sredstava. Ako dobijemo povraćaj sredstava od izdavaoca vaše kreditne ili platne kartice ili preko bilo kojeg drugog načina plaćanja iz bilo kog razloga, ovim prihvatate naše pravo koje podrazumeva:
11.7.1. momentalno zatvaranje bilo kojih i svih otvorenih transakcija bilo na gubitku ili dobitku i / ili gašenje Vašeg računa Klijenta sa ili bez najave; i / ili
11.7.2. momentalno ograničavanje vašeg računa Klijenta sa ili bez prethodne najave, uključujući:
i) ograničavanje depozita koristeći bilo koji način plaćanja na Vaš račun klijenta, čak i u slučajevima upozorenja Marže depozita,
ii) ograničavanje zahteva za povlačenje sredstava sa Vašeg računa Klijenta, i
iii) ograničavanje na otvaranje novih pozicija na Onlajn platformi; iv)
obustavljanje Sporazuma. Trajanje ograničenja će biti uspostavljeno po sopstvenom nahođenju Fortrade-a.
12.1 Ako Fortrade utvrdi da je nastupila viša sila, Fortrade može da preduzme neki od sledećih koraka:
12.1.1 Prekine ili obustaviti trgovanje i/ili odbije da uđe u bilo koje transakcije ili prima bilo kakve naloge;
12.1.2 Promeni indikacije;
12.1.3 Promeni Klijentov depozit za marginu ili odmah zahteva isplatu svih iznosa koje Klijent duguje Fortrade-u;
12.1.4 Zatvori, proglasi nevažećim ili prenese bilo koje otvorene pozicije; i/ili
12.1.5 Preduzme ili da propusti da preduzme sve druge radnje koje Fortrade smatra razumnim u cilju zaštite sebe i klijenta.
12.2 Fortrade će nastojati da obavesti klijenta o slučaju više sile čim to bude izvodljivo.
12.3 Fortade će se odmah i automatski osloboditi bilo koje obaveze po osnovu ovog Sporazuma (uključujući bez ograničenja obaveze koje proizilaze iz ili u vezi sa bilo kojom trgovinom), po osnovu da u potpunosti ili delimično nije u mogućnosti da izvrši obaveze kao direktnu ili indirektnu posledicu više sile i Fortrade neće u takvim okolnostima biti odgovoran za bilo kakve gubitke, štetu, ili troškove nastale od strane klijenta ili bilo kog Ovlašćenog korisnika.
13.2 Fortrade može da u određenim okolnostima čuva Novac Klijenta na računu kod banke ili treće strane koja se nalazi izvan Evropske ekonomske zone (EEA). Novčana sredstva u okviru ovog računa biće, gde je to moguće, odvojena od Fortrade novca i sredstava koja mogu biti čuvana kod relevantne banke ili treće strane. Pravni i regulatorni režim primenjen u toj banci ili trećoj strani može biti drugačiji od onog u Velikoj Britaniji i u slučaju insolvencije te banke ili treće strane, novac Klijenta možda neće biti efikasno zaštićen kao kod čuvanja u ekvivalentnoj banci ili kod treće strane u Velikoj Britaniji.
13.3. Fortrejd može povremeno zahtevati od Klijenta da obezbedi Kolateral. Klijent potvrđuje I prihvata da, gde je to dozvoljeno važećim zakonom ili propisom, se takav Kolateral prenosi na Fortrade i Fortrade ne sme zbog toga tretirati takav Kolateral kao Novac Klijenta. Klijent dalje potvrđuje da mu u takvim okolnostima neće biti pružena zaštita Novca Klijenta u odnosu na takav Kolateral i da će se rangirati kao opšti kreditor Fortrade-a u odnosu na Kolateral u slučaju insolvencije Fortrade-a.
13.4. Ukoliko je Klijent Pravno lice ili Kvalifikovani partner potpisivanjem ovog Sporazuma Klijent je saglasan i prihvata da, ukoliko ne obavesti Fortrade drugačije u pisanoj formi, njegov novac se neće tretirati kao novac klijenta za potrebe FCA Propisa, i da se pun naziv za i vlasništvo takvog novca dobijenog od Fortrade-a u vezi sa Računom Kliijenta prenosi na Fortrade u cilju obezbeđivanja ili pokrivanja Klijentove sadašnjice ili budućnosti, trenutnih ili mogućih ili budućih obaveza.
13.5 Kao rezultat klauzule 13.4, novac Klijenta neće biti odvojen od Fortade-a i može biti upotrebljen od strane Fortrade-a u toku svog poslovanja. Klijent neće imati pravo na zahtevanje vlasništva nad ovim sredstvima i biće rangiran kao opšti kreditor Fortrade-a. Fortrade će preneti jednak iznos novca nazad Klijentu gde smatra, po svom nahođenju, da je iznos novca prebačen u Fortrade veći od iznosa potrebnog za pokrivanje sadašnjih i budućih obaveza Klijenta prema Fortrade-u. Onde gde Klijent obaveštava Fortrade da želi da njegov novac bude tretiran kao novac klijenta, a Fortrade je pristao na takav zahtev, biće tretiran na način utvrđen u klauzuli 13.1 iznad.
13.6 Klijent prihvata, osim ako nije drugačije dogovoreno, da Fortrejd ne plaća kamatu na Novac Klijenta i Klijent se odriče svakog prava na kamatu Novca Klijenta.
14.1.1 Ako je poslato Klijentu, preporučenom, elektronskom poštom ili dostavljeno lično na adresu Klijenta koja je naznačena u ovom Sporazumu, ili drugoj adresi koju je Klijent dostavio u pisanoj formi, ili od strane Fortrade-a postavljanjem obaveštenja na internet stranici Fortrade-a; i
(i) ako je objavljeno na sajtu Fortrade-a, obaveštenje se smatra datim 1 dan nakon objavljivanja obaveštenja na Sajtu Fortrade-a ; ili
(ii) ako je Obaveštenje poslato na adresu Klijenta, obaveštenje se smatra datim Dan nakon slanja obaveštenja, osim ako je dostavljeno lično, u tom slučaju smatra se da je Obaveštenje dato pri isporuci.
14.1.2 Ako je poslato Fortrade-u, bilo preporučenom pošiljkom ili isporučeno lično na adresu koju je Fortrade naznačio u ovom Sporazumu, ili na drugu adresu koju je Fortrade dostavio u pisanoj formi, i takvo Obaveštenje se smatra datim Dan nakon slanja Obaveštenja, osim ako nije dostavljeno lično u kom slučaju Obbaveštenje se smatra da je dato pri isporuci.
14.2 Svako obaveštenje dato ili načinjeno u skladu sa ovim Sporazumom može takođe biti poslato putem e-mejla ako:
14.2.1 se Obaveštenje šalje na e-mejl adresu koja je poslednja navedena od strane primaoca pošiljaocu; i
14.2.2 pošiljalac čuva elektronski ili štampani primerak poslatog Obaveštenja.
14.3 Obaveštenje poslato putem e-mejla će se smatrati da je dato prvog dana koji dolazi od:
14.3.1 prijema do strane pošiljaoca e-mejl potvrde od informacionog sistema primaoca koja pokazuje da je obaveštenje dostavljeno na iznad navedenu e-mejl adresu;
14.3.2 vremena u kojem Obavešenje stupa u informacioni system koje je pod kontrolom primaoca; ili
14.3.3 vremena kada je Obaveštenje prvi put otvoreno ili pročitano od strane zaposlenog ili službenika primaoca.
15.2 Svaka strana može odmah raskinuti ovaj Sporazum obaveštavanjem druge strane.
15.3 Strane su saglasne da, u skladu sa klauzulom 15.4, ni otkazivanje ni raskid Sporazuma neće uticati na završetak transakcija ili ispunjenja Trgovanja započeti pre datuma kada otkazivanje ili raskidanje stupi na snagu. Nijedno otkazivanje niti raskidanje Sporazuma neće uticati na stečena prava strana, rashode, postojeće obaveze ili bilo koje ugovorne odredbe koja ima za cilj da opstane nakon raskida Sporazuma.
15.4 u slučaju da je Fortrade upoznat ili ima razloga da veruje u sledeće:
15.4.1 da Klijent krši, prekršio je ili ima nameru da prekrši bilo koju odredbu ovog Sporazuma;
15.4.2 da Klijent koristi ili ima nameru da koristi usluge u nezakonite svrhe;
15.4.3 da Klijent insolventan, bakrotirao ili na drugi naččin u nemogućnosti da plati dospele dugove;
15.4.4 da svaki dospeli iznos Fortrade-u od strane Klijenta nije plaćen ili svaka zahtevana suma;
15.4.5 da je Klijent dao pogrešne ili lažne podatke Fortrade-u;
15.4.6 da je Klijent učestvovao ili učestvuje ili pomagao ili pomaže u pranju novca ili finansiranju terorizma; ili
15.4.7 da se protiv Klijenta zvanično vodi istaga od strane zakona i/ ili regulatrnih agencija; u tom slučaju, Fortrade po sopstvenom nahođenju, može odmah raskinuti ovaj Sporazum bez prethodne najave Klijentu, a Fortrade će biti oslobođen svake obaveze utvrđene ovim Sporazumom ili proizišle iz transakcija razamatrane ovim Sporazumom, uključujući svaku obavezu koja proističe iz bilo kakvog Trgovanja u koje se ušlo sa Fortrade-om.
16.2 Fortrade sme samo biti odgovoran ili obavezan prema Klijentu za svaki direktan gubitak nastao od strane Klijenta kao direktan rezultat nemarnosti Fortrade-a, namerne greške ili prevare.
16.3 Ništa u ovom Sporazumu nema za cilj da ograniči ili da isključi obavezu Fortrade-a u slučaju smrti ili telesne povrede usled nemarnosti Fortrade-a ili u slučaju bilo kakve druge obaveze koja se ne može pravno isključiti ili ograničiti.
17.2 Klijent je takođe saglasan da odmah plati Fortrade-u za sve štete, troškove i izdatke, uključujući razumne pravne naknade ili troškove, nastali od strane Fortrade-a tokom primene bilo kojih odredaba ovog Sporazuma.
18.2 Fortrade će pokušati da reši žalbe klijenata u najkraćem roku i dok svaki klijent ne bude potpuno zadovoljan. Ako Fortrade ne može biti od dalje pomoći, ukoliko se radi o Fizičkom licu, Klijent može da podnese tužbu Finansijskoj kanceraliji Ombudsmana Velike Britanije, Saut Kej Plaza, 183 Marš Vol, London E14 9SR (tel: 0845 080 1800), (UK Financial Ombudsman Service, South Quay Plaza, 183 Marsh Wall, London E14 9SR).
18.3 U okviru FCA Propisa, ulaganja Klijenta mogu biti pokrivena od strane Finansijskog servisa za kompenzaciju. Ova zaštita može biti dostupna samo određenom tipu klijenata kao što su Fizička lica i može podleći određenim ograničenjima koja će se povremeno biti proveravana.
18.4 Informacije o ograničenjima nadoknade koju Klijent može zatražiti ukoliko na nju ima pravo, i ostale važne informacije o sistemu kompenzacije mogu se naći na www.fscs.org.uk, i kontaktiranjem Finansijskog servisa za kompenzaciju, Floor, Lloyds Chambers, 1Portsoken Street, London El 8BN (Tel: +44 (0)20 7892 7300).
19.2 Politika sukoba interesa Fortrade-a opisuje opšti karakter i/ili pozadinu sukoba interesa, uočene moguće sukobi interesa, i kako će se takvi sukobi interesa izbeći i kako rukovoditi njima tamo gde je potrebno. Budući da Fortrade pruža brojne usluge širokom spektru klijenata, može doći vreme kada će postojati sukob između sopstvenih interesa Fortrade-a i obaveza koju Fortrade duguje klijentu, ili sukoba između različitih interesa dva ili više klijenta prema kojima Fortrade podjednako ima obavezu.
19. 3 Detalji o Politici sukoba interesa Fortrade-a dostupna je na sajtu.
20.2 Odredbe ovog Ugovora i svih transakcija u skladu sa istim, mogu biti izmenjene i dopunjene od strane Fortade-a u bilo kom trenutku. Fortrade će, čim to bude moguće, obavestiti Klijenta o bilo kakvoj izmeni. Klijent je saglasan da bude obavezan uslovima takve izmene na datum kada Klijent izda Nalog ili, drugačije, korišćenjem Usluga nakon izmena. Svaka druga izmena mora biti dogovorena u pisanoj formi između Fortrade-a I Klijenta.
20.3 Odstupanje od svakog prava iz Sporazuma ili zakona je važeće samo ukoliko je u pisanoj formi i neće se smatrati odricanjem od bilo kog narednog kršenja ili neizimirenjem obaveza. Nijedan propust ili kašnjenje od strane ugovorne strane u ostvarivanju svakog prava ili obezbeđenju pravnog leka shodno Sporazumu ili zakonu ne sme predstavljati odricanje tog ili nekog drugog prava ili pravnog leka, niti će sprečiti ili ograničiti dalje sprovođenje istog ili drugog prava ili pravnog leka. Nikakvo pojedinačno ili delimično ostvarenje tog prava ili pravnog leka ne sme sprečiti ili ograničiti dalje ostvarivanje tog ili nekog drugog prava ili pravnog leka.
20.4 Ništa u Sporazumu nema nameru, nili će se smatrati kao da ima nameru, da uspostavlja partnerstvo ili zajedničko ulaganje između strana, niti će predstavljati jedno drugom vršioca u bilo koje svrhe. Nijedna strana neće imati ovlašćenje da deluje kao vršilac za, ili da se veže, za drugu stranu na bilo koji drugi način.
20.5 U slučaju nesaglasnosti između ovih odredaba i uslova i svakih drugih ugovora ili dokumenata, razmenjenih i/ili izvršenih između klijenta i Fortrade-a, ove odredbe i uslovi će preovladati u odnosu na nedoslednosti. Sporazum je sačinjen na engleskom jeziku, Ako je Sporazum preveden na bilo koji drugi jezik, verzija na engleskom jeziku će preovladati.
20.6 Ako bilo koji sud ili nadležni sud utvrdi da je neka odredba ovog Sporazuma (ili deo odredbe) nevažeća, nezakonita ili neprimenljiva, ta odredba ili deo odredbe će se , u meri u kojoj je to potrebno, smatrati poništenom, ali neće uticati na navaljanost i primenljivost drugih odredaba Sporazuma. Ako bi neka nevažeća, neprimenljiva ili nevažeća odredba bila validna, primenljiva i pravna u slučaju poništenja nekog dela, odredba će se primenjivati sa minimalnim izmenama neophodnim da bi bila pravna, validna i primenjiva.
20.7 Lice koje nije stranka u ovom Sporazumu nema pravo shodno Ugovornom Aktu (Prava treće strane) iz 1999. da sprovodi bilo koji od ovih odredaba.
20.8 Ovaj Sporazum, i svaka rasprava ili zahtev nastali iz ili u vezi sa njim ili njegove sadržine ili strukture (uključujući vanugovorne rasprave ili zahteve), biće regulisana, i tumačena u skladu sa zakonom Engleske i Velsa.
20.9 Svaka strana je neopozivo saglasna da će sudovi Engleske i Velsa imati isključivu nadležnost u rešavanju bilo kojeg spora ili zahteva nastale iz ili u vezi sa ovim Sporazumom ili njegove sadržine ili strukture (uključujući vanugovorne rasprave ili zahteve).
Please see below for Fortrade’s T&C’s. You can review these directly at Fortrade Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions – Customer Agreement
Risk Warning: Trading foreign exchange, Contracts for Differences (CFD’s) and other financial instruments carries a high level of risk to investors’ capital, and may not be suitable for all investors. Be Aware: You can lose all, but not more than the balance of your Trading Account. Before applying to receive services from Fortrade, the Client should carefully consider its objectives, financial situation and level of experience and the risks associated with trading foreign exchange, CFDs and other financial instruments.
Fortrade Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, firm reference number (609970).
This is an important document. We reserve the right not to execute any transactions with you unless and until you have signified that you have read and accepted these terms and conditions. Your use of our services shall in any event constitute your acceptance of these terms and conditions.
These terms and conditions set out the terms upon which we may provide you with execution-only dealing services in relation to foreign exchange, CFDs and/or such financial or other instruments that we may offer to you from time to time.
Whenever used in these terms and conditions, unless inconsistent with the subject matter or context, the following words shall have the following meanings:
“Agreement” means these general terms and conditions, together with all Trade Terms, schedules, attachments, supplements, addenda or other documents attached or referred to herein;
“Authorised User” has the meaning given in clause 8.1 of this Agreement;
“CFD” means contract for differences, a contract between two parties with no fixed settlement date that can be closed out by the holder for a cash settlement amount which represents the difference between the price of an underlying asset or thing agreed at the outset of the contract and its market price at the date of the settlement of the contract as determined by the issuer;
“Client” means the person accepted by Fortrade as a client and, as the context may require, its officers, directors, employees and agents;
“Client Account” means the Client’s Fortrade account which operates under the terms of this Agreement and allows the Client and the nominated Authorised Users to enter into transactions with Fortrade;
“Collateral” means any money or asset provided to Fortrade by the Client as collateral or security for any or all of the Client’s obligations under or pursuant to this Agreement, including without limitation the extension of credit by Fortrade to the Client and/or the margining of transactions;
“Credit Limit” means the limit on the total amount of credit that Fortrade will provide to the Client as described in clause 8.3.1;
“Client Money” means client money as defined in the FCA Rules;
“Data Protection Legislation” means the Data Protection Act 1998, the Data Protection Directive (95/46/EC), the Electronic Communications Data Protection Directive (2002/58/EC), the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003 (SI 2003/2426) and all applicable laws and regulations relating to the processing of personal data and privacy;
“Day” means any day other than a day on which Fortrade has notified the Client (on the Fortrade Website or otherwise) that it is not open for business;
“Eligible Counterparty” shall have the meaning as defined in CASS 3 and the Glossary within the FCA Rules;
“FCA” means the Financial Conduct Authority and any successor body from time to time;
“FCA Rules” means the rules and guidance of the FCA as set out in the FCA handbook of rules and guidance as amended from time to time;
“Force Majeure Event” means an event the occurrence of which is beyond the reasonable control of the affected party to this Agreement, including but not limited to: an act of war or terrorism, industrial disputes, acts or regulations of any governmental or supranational bodies or authorities, breakdown, failure or malfunction of any telecommunications, electronic or computer services, networks, platforms, systems or the failure of any intermediate broker, agent, custodian or sub-custodian, dealer, exchange clearing house or regulatory or self-regulatory organisation or any other event that causes a material market disruption in respect of the underlying asset or instrument;
“Fortrade” means Fortrade Limited incorporated and registered in England and Wales with company number 08619610 whose registered office is at 43-45 Dorset Street, London, W1U 7NA and its successors and/or assigns;
“Fortrade Website” means a website provided by Fortrade and designated by Fortrade as the website relating to the Services;
“Indication” has the meaning stated in clause 8.9 of this Agreement;
“Intellectual Property” means (i) patents, inventions, designs, copyright and related rights, database rights, trade marks and related goodwill, trade names (whether registered or unregistered), and rights to apply for registration; (ii) proprietary rights in domain names; (iii) knowhow and confidential information; (iv) applications, extensions and renewals in relation to any of these rights; and (v) all other rights of a similar nature or having an equivalent effect anywhere in the world;
“Margin Call” means an amount that Fortrade may at its sole discretion require the Client to pay, in addition to the Margin Deposit, solely determined by Fortrade;
“Margin Deposit” has the meaning stated in clause 8.5 of this Agreement;
“Notice” has the meaning stated in clause 14 of this Agreement;
“Online Platform” means Fortrade’s online transaction system for processing and executing trades relating to foreign exchange, CFD and/or such financial or other instruments in respect of which Fortrade may offer execution-only dealing services from time to time;
“Open Position” means a contract in which a client has entered into a transaction with Fortrade and a further transaction is required in order to close the contract;
“Order” means an instruction communicated by the Client or an Authorised User to Fortrade which constitutes a request for Fortrade to execute a Trade;
“Professional Client” has the meaning as defined in the Glossary within the FCA Rules;
“Quoting Error” has the meaning stated in clause 8.10 of this Agreement;
“Retail Client” has the meaning as defined in the Glossary within the FCA Rules;
“Services” means the provision of execution-only dealing services by Fortrade in relation to foreign exchange, CFD and/or any financial or other instruments in respect of which Fortrade may offer execution-only dealing services from time to time;
“Trade” means a transaction entered into by the Client pursuant to the Agreement;
“Trade Terms” means the additional terms and conditions applicable to transactions entered into by the Client pursuant to these terms and conditions as published on the Fortrade Website from time to time.
In this Agreement, the following rules apply:
(i) unless the context otherwise requires, words in the singular shall include the plural and in the plural shall include the singular;
(ii) a person includes a natural person, corporate or unincorporated body (whether or not having separate legal personality);
(iii) a reference to a party includes its personal representatives, successors or permitted assigns;
(iv) a reference to a statute or statutory provision is a reference to such statute or statutory provision as amended or re-enacted from time to time. A reference to a statute or statutory provision includes any subordinate legislation made under that statute or statutory provision, as amended or re-enacted; and
(v) any phrase introduced by the terms including, include, in particular or any similar expression, shall be construed as illustrative and shall not limit the sense of the words preceding those terms.
3.1 This Agreement represents all the terms and conditions agreed between Fortrade and the Client regarding the Services that Fortrade may provide to the Client, unless otherwise agreed between the parties.
3.2 Acceptance by the Client of this Agreement shall, where applicable, be by positive affirmation of the Client’s acceptance or alternatively by the Client placing an Order with Fortrade or otherwise using Fortrade’s Services following receipt of this Agreement.
3.3 Unless agreed otherwise or otherwise notified by Fortrade, the dealing capacity of Fortrade and of the Client in transactions shall both be as principal.
3.4 Nothing in this Agreement will exclude or restrict any duty or liability owed by Fortrade to the Client under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 or the FCA Rules and if there is any conflict between this Agreement and the FCA Rules, the FCA Rules will prevail.
3.5 This Agreement will come into effect on the date the Client acknowledges receipt of it during the account opening or (where there is no acknowledgement) when the Client first submits an Order or otherwise uses the Services, and, for any new versions thereafter, on the date we notify the Client. This Agreement is supplied to the Client in English and Fortrade will communicate with the Client in English for the duration of this Agreement.
4.1 Fortrade is authorised and regulated by the FCA and is entered on the FCA’s Register with firm reference number 609970. The FCA’s Head Office is 25 The North Colonnade, Canary Wharf, London E14 5HS.
4.2 Fortrade’s registered office is at 43-45 Dorset Street, London, W1U 7NA and its principal place of business is Michelin House, 81 Fulham Road, London. SW3 6RD.
4.3.1 Fortrade shall make an assessment of the Client’s classification for the purposes of the FCA Rules and shall accordingly notify the Client of such classification within a reasonable time. Fortrade shall treat the Client as a Retail Client unless Fortrade notifies the Client otherwise.
4.3.2 The Client may contact Fortrade to request re-classification but Fortrade reserves the right to decline such request. If Fortrade agrees with the Client’s request to be re-classified, the Client may lose certain protections within the FCA Rules.
4.3.3 In certain circumstances, Fortrade may wish to re-classify the Client. In such circumstances, Fortrade will provide the Client with an explanation as to why the Client is being re-classified and what impact such re-classification is likely to have in relation to the Client’s rights and protections.
4.4 Fortrade does not offer investment advice. If the Client is unsure as to the merits or suitability of a transaction, it should seek advice from an independent financial adviser. Fortrade does not make personal investment recommendations in relation to the Services or the Online Platform. Any information provided by or made available by Fortrade, including through the Online Platform or any related system or website is provided solely to enable clients to make their own investment decisions and should not be treated as a recommendation to buy, sell or otherwise deal with any particular investment.
4.5 Although Fortrade is not providing financial or investment advice, in relation to certain types of business or services, Fortrade is obliged to assess the appropriateness of such business or services by reference to the Client’s knowledge, experience and understanding of the risks involved. In the event that Fortrade assesses that a transaction or service is not suitable or appropriate for the Client or does not have sufficient information about the Client to make this assessment, Fortrade reserves the right not to act on the Client’s instructions or otherwise to provide services or conduct business for the Client.
4.6 Irrespective of clause 4.5, the Client acknowledges that it shall be solely responsible for any decision to enter into any transactions with Fortrade. Fortrade will not be liable to the Client for any losses it might incur as a result of reliance on any information provided by Fortrade, nor in the event that any transaction effected pursuant to this Agreement is not fully covered by any margin the Client has provided or otherwise results in a loss on the Client Account. The Client remains fully responsible and liable for any losses (other than those caused by Fortrade’s fraud, negligence or wilful default), costs and settlements arising from any Trades entered into before any termination of its relationship with Fortrade.
4.7 Where Fortrade executes transactions for the Client, it will (unless indicated or agreed otherwise) be required to provide best execution, and, in doing so, will comply with its Execution Policy, which it may amend from time to time. A summary of Fortrade’s Execution Policy is available on its website. The Client expressly consents to the Execution Policy.
4.8 Where Fortrade executes transactions for the Client, it does so as part of its execution-only dealing service, which means that it is not obliged to ensure the transaction is suitable for the Client and the Client might not benefit from any protection under applicable regulatory requirements relating to the suitability of the transaction for it.
5.1 The Client represents and warrants (i.e. the Client is making a formal declaration on which Fortrade will rely when providing the Services) to Fortrade that:
5.1.1 execution and delivery by the Client of this Agreement, and performance of all of the Client’s obligations contemplated under this Agreement, does not violate any law applicable to the Client or conflict with any obligation (including without limitation any contractual or fiduciary obligation) to which the Client is subject;
5.1.2 the Client complies with all applicable law and regulation;
5.1.3 all information provided by the Client to Fortrade is true, correct and complete, and the Client will notify Fortrade promptly of any changes to such information;
5.1.4 the Client shall make on-going disclosure to Fortrade of any matters that may affect the operation of this Agreement or of the ability of the Client to pay Margin Calls or to remain solvent;
5.1.5 the Client shall provide Fortrade with such information as Fortrade may require to enable Fortrade to satisfy its own regulatory and legal obligations, including without limitation any information relating to anti-money laundering, anti-terrorist financing and anti-bribery and corruption.
5.2 If the Client is an individual, in addition to the representations and warranties contained in clause 5.1, it also represents and warrants that it is at least eighteen years old.
5.3 If the Client is a company, firm, corporate or other legal person, in addition to the representations and warranties contained in clause 5.1, it also represents and warrants that it is duly constituted and incorporated and possesses the requisite power to enter into this Agreement and all transactions made or to be made pursuant to this Agreement, and in any case, this Agreement and such transactions are and will constitute legally binding and enforceable obligations of the Client.
5.4 If the Client is acting in its capacity as trustee of a trust, in addition to the representations are warranties contained in clause 5.1, it also represents, warrants that:
5.4.1 the relevant trust instrument is valid and complies with all applicable laws;
5.4.2 the Client is properly appointed as sole trustee of the trust;
5.4.3 the Client has a right of indemnity from the trust assets in respect of this Agreement and the transactions contemplated by it;
5.4.4 the Client will comply with its duties as trustee of the trust;
5.4.5 the Client will not do anything which may result in the loss of its right of indemnity from the trust assets;
5.4.6 the Client will remain sole trustee of the trust;
5.4.7 if, despite the above, the Client is replaced or joined as trustee, the Client undertakes to procure that the new trustee shall be bound by this Agreement and any other Agreement relating to a transaction contemplated by this Agreement to which the Client is expressed to be a party, or by a document which is identical in effect;
5.4.8 the Client will not resettle, set aside or distribute any of the assets of the trust without Fortrade’s written consent unless compelled to do so by the trust instrument; and
5.4.9 the Client will not amend or vary the trust instrument without Fortrade’s written consent.
5.5 If the Client is acting in its capacity as trustee of a trust but is not the sole trustee of the trust it is a requirement that each and every trustee agrees in writing to be bound by the terms of this Agreement and by any transactions entered into in connection with this Agreement before Fortrade will provide Services to the Client.
5.6 If the Client is comprised of two or more legal or natural persons then a reference to a right or obligation of the Client under this Agreement or under a transaction contemplated by this Agreement confers that right or imposes that obligation, as the case may be, jointly and severally on those persons.
5.7 The Client acknowledges that Fortrade will enter into the transactions contemplated by this Agreement in reliance on the representations and warranties made by the Client.
6.1 Fortrade is required to comply with the Data Protection Legislation to the extent applicable. Any information supplied to Fortrade that constitutes personal data for the purposes of the Data Protection Legislation (including any sensitive personal data) will be processed in accordance with Fortrade’s privacy policy in place from time to time.
6.2 Fortrade will use reasonable precautions to maintain the confidentiality of information Fortrade receives from the Client and material and/or data the Client provides, creates, inputs or develops in connection with the Client’s use of the Services. Nonetheless, because such information, material and/or data may be provided through the internet or by facsimile transmission, the Client hereby acknowledges and agrees that Fortrade cannot assure that such information, material and/or data will continue to be confidential.
6.3 The Client accepts the risk of a third party receiving confidential information concerning the Client and specifically releases Fortrade from responsibility for any claim arising out of a third party intercepting, accessing, monitoring or receiving any communication from a Client intended to be provided to Fortrade or from Fortrade intended to be provided to the Client. The Client will remain entirely responsible and liable for any such claim.
6.4 The Client acknowledges and agrees that Fortrade may disclose any information relating to the Client or any Authorised User (including without limitation, the name of the Client or Authorised User and other personal and financial information relating to the Client or Authorised User) to its employees, representatives, officers, agents, affiliates, subsidiaries, and parent companies, any governmental agency, entity or body (including without limitation the FCA), regulatory or selfregulatory authority, any internet service provider or any other third party agent or service provider for any purpose related to offering, providing, administering or maintaining the Services, or to comply with applicable law and regulation.
7.1 Fortrade hereby grants the Client (and in respect of third party providers, only to the extent Fortrade is permitted to do so) a temporary, non-exclusive, non-transferable licence to use the software, data and information obtained through, downloaded from or provided by Fortrade (including without limitation the Online Platform) for the sole and exclusive purpose of receiving the Services.
7.2 The Client agrees that Fortrade is the sole owner (except to the extent owned by third party licensors, including any associated companies) of all right, title and interest in the Online Platform and any information or data generated by the Online Platform.
7.3 The Client shall not enter into commitments for or in the name of Fortrade, represent itself as being affiliated with, or authorised to act for Fortrade or, save as specifically authorised in this Agreement, use Fortrade’s Intellectual Property for any purpose whatsoever.
8.1 List of Authorised Users
8.1.1 The Client shall provide Fortrade with a list of people authorised to access the Services and/or enter into Trades on the Client’s behalf (each an “Authorised User”). The Client shall immediately notify Fortrade when any new person becomes an Authorised User or when any existing Authorised User is no longer entitled to be an Authorised User. Upon Fortrade receiving Notice of any such change in Authorised User it shall be deemed to be effective within one Day. The notice shall not affect any Trades already executed or Orders already placed.
8.1.2 The Client hereby agrees to remain responsible and liable for any loss incurred by an Authorised User entering into any Trade or other transaction contemplated under this Agreement.
8.1.3 Until Fortrade receives a Notice to the contrary which becomes effective in accordance with Clause 8.1.1, Fortrade may continue to assume that all existing Authorised Users have authority to execute legally binding transactions with Fortrade. All instructions given and accepted by an Authorised User will be deemed to be instructions authorised by the Client and shall be binding upon the Client.
8.2 Acceptance of Trade Terms
8.2.1 The Client may place Orders with Fortrade via the Online Platform or by such other means as Fortrade may from time to time specify in writing.
8.2.2 The Client’s placement of an Order with Fortrade constitutes agreement by the Client to the Trade Terms.
8.2.3 Fortrade may, at its sole and absolute direction, accept or decline an Order.
8.2.4 Fortrade shall, to the extent permitted by law, notify the Client of any decision to decline an Order but is under no obligation to provide a reason for the Order being declined.
8.2.5 If Fortrade accepts an Order, it may execute all of part of the Order and enter into a Trade in accordance with the Trade Terms, together with the terms of the Agreement.
8.3 Credit Limits
8.3.1 The Client acknowledges and agrees that: Fortrade may grant certain clients a “Credit Limit”. A Credit Limit is a pre-agreed amount of the relevant currency set by Fortrade at its sole and absolute discretion that can be used to offset against the value of any Open Positions or unsettled Trades; if the negative mark to market value of an Open Position is approaching or has exceeded the Client’s Credit Limit, Fortrade reserves the right to Margin Call the Client in an amount entirely at its discretion; Fortrade may set the Credit Limit at its sole and absolute discretion; and any Credit Limit set by Fortrade may be reduced, varied or withdrawn immediately and at any time.
8.3.2 The Client acknowledges that if Fortrade acts on an instruction which would result in a Credit Limit being exceeded: Fortrade is not obliged to advise the Client that the Credit Limit will be exceeded; the Client will continue to be responsible and liable to Fortrade for all amounts including those that exceed the Credit Limit; and Fortrade is not obliged to act upon any subsequent instruction where a Credit Limit might be exceeded.
8.4. Authorisation Limits
Fortrade may, at its own discretion, impose an authorisation limit on the Client and/or one or more Authorised Users at any time. Such as authorisation limit may include a limit on the number, size or value of Orders that can be submitted or remain outstanding at any time and/or of any or all Open Positions.
8.5. Margin Deposit
Before accepting an Order, Fortrade may in its absolute discretion require a deposit of between 0 and 100% of the Order’s value in respect of any anticipated or existing Open Positions which the Client has or will have with Fortrade to be paid by the Client to Fortrade (the “Margin Deposit”).
8.6 Forced Liquidation
8.6.1 The Client is required to maintain sufficient level of Margin Deposit (as determined by Fortrade at its sole discretion) in its Client Account at all times. Fortrade reserves its full rights to close out all or any Open Positions: if at any time the Margin Deposit held by Fortrade is approaching or is no longer sufficient to cover the negative mark to market value of any or all Open Positions that the Client has with Fortrade; or if at any time the pre-agreed Credit Limit assigned to the Client by Fortrade is no longer sufficient to cover the negative mark to market value of any or all Open Positions that the Client has open with Fortrade. If Fortrade believes that the Client may not be able to pay to Fortrade any amount when due or that the Client may be or become insolvent or bankrupt (as applicable).
8.6.2 Fortrade shall have the right, at its sole discretion, to determine the mark to market value of any Open Position from time to time.
8.6.3 The Client shall monitor its balance in the Client Account and ensure that it maintains a sufficient Margin Deposit.
8.6.4 In addition to other remedies available to Fortrade, if the Client fails to pay an amount when due under this Agreement, Fortrade has the right to close out or terminate (by either buying or selling) any or all of the Client’s Open Positions.
8.7 Set-Off Against Monies Owed
8.7.1 In addition to other remedies available to Fortrade, if the Client fails to pay any amount when due under this Agreement, Fortrade may set off against such amount any amount payable by Fortrade to the Client.
8.7.2 Fortrade is entitled to set off against any amounts due to it by the Client any amounts received by Fortrade from or on behalf of the Client including but not limited to monies received as Margin Deposits or Margin Calls. Fortrade may determine the application of any amounts which are to be set off at its absolute discretion.
8.7.3 The Client may not set off against any amounts due to it by Fortrade, any amounts Fortrade owes to the Client.
8.8 Delay
Although Fortrade will use all reasonable efforts to process a Trade on a timely basis, Fortrade shall not, in the absence of its gross negligence, wilful misconduct or fraud, be responsible or liable for delays, damages, failures or errors in the completion of the Trade.
8.9 Rates and Prices
Rate and price indications from Fortrade are available via the Online Platform (the “Indication”). The Indication is not binding, and the Client agrees to accept the prices offered by Fortrade when the Trade is executed (which may vary from the price in an Indication).
8.10 Quoting Error
Should a quoting error occur due to a typographical error or obvious mistake in a quote or Indication or the reported price of a Trade (the “Quoting Error”), Fortrade is not liable for any damages, claims, losses, liabilities or costs arising from the Quoting Error. Fortrade reserves the right to make the necessary adjustments to correct the Quoting Error. Any dispute arising from a Quoting Error will be resolved on the basis of fair market value, as determined by Fortrade acting reasonably.
8.11 Base currency and currency conversion
8.11.1 The Client may select a base currency of either US Dollars or Euros.
8.11.2 The Client acknowledges that certain Trades may, at Fortrade’s sole discretion, be denominated in other currencies and that this may result in Open Positions and other relevant amounts under the Agreement being notionally converted to the Client’s base currency.
8.11.3 When Fortrade enters into any Trade or other transactions with or on behalf of the Client which are denominated in currency other than the base currency, Fortrade may carry out any necessary foreign exchange transactions (together with any hedging transactions on a transaction by transaction basis) on the settlement date for the Trade or transaction rather than the trade date at a prevailing rate of exchange as chosen by Fortrade.
8.11.4 Unless otherwise agreed, Fortrade will automatically convert any cash, profits, losses, adjustments, fees, charges and other relevant amounts under the Agreement that are denominated in another currency into the Client’s base currency before applying such amounts to the Client Account.
8.11.5 Fortrade may in its absolute, sole discretion determine the date, time and rate at which any such currency conversion occurs.
8.11.6 The Client will be responsible and liable for any commission, charges or other costs incurred by Fortrade in connection with any such currency conversion and acknowledges that Fortrade may receive remuneration from third parties engaged by Fortrade to provide currency conversion services.
8.12 Inactive or Dormant Client Accounts
8.12.1 If for any consecutive period of 180 days, the Client does not trade then after those 180 days Fortrade will deem the Client Account to be inactive or dormant (“Inactive”).
8.12.2 Once Fortrade has deemed a Client Account to be Inactive, Fortrade will be entitled to charge the Client an administrative fee (the “Inactive Account Fee”) in accordance with Inactive or Dormant Client Account procedures described on the Fortrade Website which shall be such amount as Fortrade may reasonably determine covers the administrative cost of continuing to operate the Inactive Client Account. Fortrade will deduct the Inactive Account Fee from the Client Account balance on the day following the expiration of the Grace Period and then every thirty (30) days thereafter. For the avoidance of doubt, the Client’s liability or responsibility to pay the Inactive Account Fee will cease as soon as the Client Account balance is zero.
9.1 In relation to the Online Platform, the Client confirms and accepts the following:
9.1.1 All transactions must be completed using the logins and passwords allocated to the Client by Fortrade and valid entry of such a login and password will constitute an authorisation by the Client to complete any resulting Trade irrespective of whether or not the login and password are entered by an Authorised User.
9.1.2 The Client must ensure that the logins and passwords are kept secure and confidential. The Client must also ensure that each Authorised User to whom a login and password is provided, will keep them secure and confidential. The Client will advise Fortrade immediately if the Client has any reason to believe that a login or password allocated to the Client has not been kept secure and confidential.
9.1.3 The Client must ensure that no un-authorised person is able to use the logins and passwords. As part of this obligation the Client must ensure that the Client and each Authorised User log off after using the Online Platform.
9.1.4 The Client will not use the Online Platform in contravention of any laws or regulations or the rules and guidance of the regulatory authorities in any relevant jurisdiction (including, for example, any rules on manipulative trading or other types of market abuse).
9.1.5 Fortrade does not permit the use of the Online Platform for unfair trading activity or otherwise taking advantage of internet delays, which we determine could adversely impact on fair and orderly trading on the Online Platform.
9.1.6 Fortrade does not permit the use on the Online Platform of any manipulative or abusive behaviour (such as the dissemination of false or misleading market information through media, including the internet, or by any other means with the intention of moving the price of a CFD or the underlying property or thing), which we determine could adversely impact on fair and orderly trading on the Online Platform.
9.1.7 Fortrade may at any time without Notice to the Client suspend, withdraw or deny access to the Online Platform for any reason including but not limited to security, quality of service, failure by the Client to pay an amount when due or breach by the Client of any provision of this Agreement.
9.1.8 Without limiting any other rights Fortrade may have under the Agreement, any Trade which Fortrade determines has arisen as a result of activity prohibited under clauses 9.1.4, 9.1.5 or 9.1.6 may in Fortrade’s absolute discretion be subject to a price adjustment or be cancelled or invalidated.
10.1 Any Order or instruction is transmitted at the Client’s risk in such manner as may be specified by Fortrade or agreed between the Client and Fortrade from time to time. Fortrade shall not be responsible or liable for any loss suffered on account of any instruction not being received by Fortrade (whether transmitted through the Online Platform or not) or not being acted upon.
10.2 The Client expressly authorises Fortrade to rely and act upon, and treat as fully authorised and binding upon the Client, any instruction which purports to have been given and which is accepted by Fortrade in good faith as having been given by the Client or an Authorised User, without further enquiry on the part of Fortrade as to the genuineness, authority or identity of the person giving or purporting to give such instruction and notwithstanding any communication the Client may have made or may make to Fortrade purporting to limit the persons from whom Fortrade may accept instructions, unless such limitations have been agreed between the parties in writing.
10.3 Notwithstanding the foregoing, Fortrade may require, and the Client agrees to provide, evidence of any such authority provided to any person acting, or purporting to act, for the Client or on the Client’s behalf (including without limitation Authorised Users). The Client will be responsible for and bound by all Orders, Trades, contracts, obligations, costs and expenses entered into or assumed by Fortrade on the Client’s behalf in consequence of or in connection with such instructions.
11.1 Fortrade’s charges and rates (including interest rates) in relation to the matters set out in this Agreement are as provided via the Online Platform. Such charges and rates may be subject to change without notice. In addition to such charges and rates, the Client will be obliged to pay all applicable VAT and other taxes, storage and delivery charges, exchange and clearing house fees and all other fees incurred by Fortrade in connection with any Trade and/or in connection with maintaining its relationship with the Client.
11.2 Fortrade shall additionally be entitled to demand that other extraordinary disbursements and expenses caused by the Client’s non-performance are paid separately by the Client.
11.3 Fortrade may give, receive and share commissions, charges or other remuneration with its associates, introducing brokers or other third parties in respect of Trades entered into by the Client at all times in accordance with applicable law or regulatory requirements. Details of any such remuneration or sharing arrangements may not be set out in the Trade Terms or on relevant trade confirmations, account statements or other account information. In addition, Fortrade may benefit from commission, mark-up, mark-down or any other remuneration where it acts as the counterparty to a Trade.
11.4 Subject to all regulatory requirements, all amounts due to Fortrade under the Agreement shall, at its option: be deducted from any funds held for the Client; or be paid upfront by the Client; or be settled in accordance with such other arrangement as may be agreed with the Client.
11.5 Unless otherwise agreed, no interest shall be payable or due to the Client on its available Margin or Margin Deposit in a Client Account. The Client is obliged to pay interest on any outstanding amounts on the Client Account at such rate as may be notified via the Online Platform, from the date payment was due until the payment is received by Fortrade.
11.6 Under some circumstances a number of intermediaries may be involved in a payment transaction and may deduct a charge. The receiving bank may also levy a charge. These charges cannot always be calculated in advance, and the Client acknowledges that the Client will be responsible and liable for these expenses. Fortrade will not be liable for any losses that result from fees described in this clause being levied.
11.7 Fortrade reserves the right to seek reimbursement from you if we receive a charge-back from any credit or charge card issuer or with respect to any other payment method, for any reason. We may obtain such reimbursement by charging your Client Account, deducting amounts from future payments owed to you, charging your credit or charge card or obtaining reimbursement from you by any other lawful means. Any reimbursement will include all costs and expenses incurred by Fortrade related to the charge-back.
If we receive a chargeback from your credit or charge card issuer or with respect to any other payment method for any reason, you acknowledge that we have the right, to:
11.7.1. immediately close any and all of your open Trades whether at a loss or a profit and/or liquidate your Client Account with or without any notice; and/or
11.7.2. immediately place restrictions on your Client Account with or without any notice, including: i) the restriction on making deposits using any payment method to your Client Account, even in cases of Margin Deposit alert(s), ii) the restriction on requesting withdrawals from your Client account, and iii) the restriction on opening new positions on the Online Platform; iv) terminate the Agreement. The duration of the restrictions will be set at Fortrade’s discretion.
12.1 Without limiting any of Fortrade’s other right under this Agreement, if Fortrade determines that a Force Majeure Event has occurred, Fortrade may take any of the following steps:
12.1.1 cease or suspend trading and/or refuse to enter into any Trades or accept any Orders;
12.1.2 change the Indication;
12.1.3 change the Client’s Margin Deposit requirement or immediately require payment of any amounts owed by the Client to Fortrade;
12.1.4 close, void or roll over any Open Positions; and/or
12.1.5 take or omit to take all such other actions as Fortrade considers to be reasonable to protect itself and its clients.
12.2 Fortrade shall endeavour to notify the Client of a Force Majeure Event which comes to its attention as soon as reasonably practicable.
12.3 Fortrade shall immediately and automatically be discharged from any obligation under this Agreement (including without limitation any obligation arising out of or in connection with any Trade) that it is wholly or partially unable to perform as a direct or indirect result of a Force Majeure Event and Fortrade shall not in such circumstances be liable for any losses, damages, costs or expenses howsoever incurred by the Client or any Authorised User.
13.1 Subject to clauses 13.3 and 15.4, any money received by Fortrade from the Client or held by Fortrade on the Client’s behalf will be treated as Client Money as defined in and for the purposes of the FCA Rules. This means that any money or non-cash assets received by Fortrade from the Client or held by Fortrade on the Client’s behalf is required to be segregated from Fortrade’s own money and assets.
13.2 Fortrade may in certain circumstances hold Client Money in an account with a bank or third party located outside the European Economic Area (“EEA”). The legal and regulatory regime applying to such bank or third party may be different to that of the United Kingdom and in the event of the insolvency of that bank or third party, the Client’s money may not be as effectively protected as if it were held with an equivalent bank or third party in the United Kingdom.
13.3 Fortrade may from time to time require the Client to provide Collateral. The Client acknowledges and agrees that, where permitted by applicable law or regulation, title to any such Collateral shall transfer to Fortrade and that Fortrade shall not therefore treat such Collateral as Client Money. The Client further acknowledges that in such circumstances it will not be afforded any Client Money protection in relation to such Collateral and that it would rank as a general creditor of Fortrade in relation to the Collateral in the event of Fortrade’s insolvency.
13.4 If Fortrade has classified the Client as a Professional Client or Eligible Counterparty this clause shall apply and clause 13.1 shall not apply. By entering into this Agreement, the Client agrees and acknowledges that, unless it notifies Fortrade otherwise in writing prior to entering into this Agreement (a”TTCA Request”) and Fortrade agrees to such TTCA Request, its money will not be treated as Client Money for the purposes of the FCA Rules, and that full title to and ownership of such money received by Fortrade in connection with the Client’s Account is transferred to Fortrade for the purpose of securing or covering the Client’s present or future, actual or contingent or prospective obligations.
13.5 Where of clause 13.4 applies and a TTCA Request has not been agreed by Fortrade, the Client’s money will not be segregated by Fortrade and may be used by Fortrade in the course of its business. The Client will not have a proprietary claim over such money and will rank as a general creditor of Fortrade. Fortrade will transfer an equivalent amount of money back to the Client where it considers, in its sole discretion, that the amount of money it has transferred to Fortrade is greater than the amount required to cover the Client’s present and future obligations to Fortrade. Where the Client notifies Fortrade that it wishes its money to be treated as Client Money and Fortrade has consented to such request, it will be treated in the manner set out in clause 13.1 above.
13.6 The Client acknowledges, unless otherwise agreed, that Fortrade does not pay interest on Client Money and the Client waives any right it may have to receive interest on Client Money.
14.1 Any notice or other instruction in writing required or permitted to be given under this Agreement or for the purposes of this Agreement (“Notice”) shall be in writing and shall:
14.1.1 If to the Client, be sent by prepaid registered mail, electronic mail or delivered by hand to the address of the Client set out in this Agreement, or such other address the Client designates in writing, or by Fortrade posting a Notice to the Fortrade Website; and
(i) if posted on the Fortrade Website, Notice is deemed to have been given 1 Day after the Notice was posted on the Fortrade Website; or
(ii) if the Notice was sent to the address of the Client, the Notice is deemed to have been given on the Day after the Notice was sent, unless delivered by hand in which case the Notice is deemed to have been given on delivery.
14.1.2 If to Fortrade, be sent by prepaid registered mail or delivered by hand to the address of Fortrade set out in this Agreement, or such other address as Fortrade designates in writing, and such Notice is deemed to have been given on the Day after the Notice was sent, unless delivered by hand in which case the Notice is deemed to have been given on delivery.
14.2 Any Notice given or made under this Agreement may also be sent by email if:
14.2.1 the Notice is sent to the email address last notified by the intended recipient to the sender; and
14.2.2 the sender keeps an electronic or printed copy of the Notice sent.
14.3 A Notice sent by email will be deemed to have been given on the first to occur of:
14.3.1 receipt by the sender of an email acknowledgement from the recipient’s information system showing that the Notice has been delivered to the email address stated above;
14.3.2 the time that the Notice enters an information system which is under the control of the recipient; or
14.3.3 the time that the Notice is first opened or read by an employee or officer of the recipient.
15.1 Subject to clause 15.3, the Client may cancel this Agreement within 14 days of the Day on which Fortrade receives the Client’s completed application form. The Client may cancel this Agreement using the contact details on the Fortrade website. If the Client does not exercise its right to cancel within the 14 day period, the Client will still be entitled to terminate the Agreement in accordance with clause 15.2.
15.2 Either party may terminate this Agreement immediately on Notice to the other party.
15.3 The parties agree that, subject to clause 15.4, neither cancellation nor termination will affect the completion of Trades initiated prior to the date on which the cancellation or termination becomes effective. Neither cancellation nor termination will affect the parties’ accrued rights, indemnities, existing commitments or any other contractual provision intended to survive termination of the Agreement
15.4 In the event that Fortrade is made aware of or has reason to believe any of the following:
15.4.1 that the Client is in breach, has breached or is intending to breach any provision of the Agreement;
15.4.2 that the Client is using or is intending to use the Services for illegal purposes;
15.4.3 that the Client insolvent, bankrupt or otherwise unable to pay its debts as they fall due;
15.4.4 any sum due to Fortrade from the Client has not been paid as requested;
15.4.5 that the Client has provided false or misleading information to Fortrade;
15.4.6 that the Client has participated or is participating or has assisted or is assisting in money laundering or terrorist financing; or
15.4.7 that the Client is being officially investigated by law enforcement and/or regulatory agencies;
Fortrade, at its sole discretion, may terminate this Agreement immediately without Notice to the Client, and Fortrade shall be relieved of any obligations set out in this Agreement or arising out of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement, including any obligations arising out of any Trade already entered into with Fortrade.
16.1 Fortrade shall not be responsible or liable to the client under any circumstances for any, indirect or consequential loss or related expenses (including without limitation any loss of profits) incurred by the Client as a result of the Client’s use of the Services.
16.2 Fortrade shall only be responsible or liable to the Client for any direct loss incurred by the Client as a direct result of Fortrade’s negligence, wilful default or fraud.
16.3 Nothing in this Agreement is intended to limit or exclude Fortrade’s liability or responsibility to the Client for death or personal injury, for Fortrade’s wilful default or fraud, for any breach by Fortrade under the regulatory system (as defined in the FCA rules), or for any other liability that cannot lawfully be excluded or limited.
17.1 The Client shall indemnify and hold Fortrade harmless from and against any and all liabilities, claims, costs, expenses and damages of any nature, including, but not limited to, reasonable legal fees and any fees and expenses incurred in connection with litigation, arising out of or relating to the Client’s or an Authorised User’s negligence, mistake or wilful misconduct, the violation of any law by the Client, any infringement of Fortrade’s Intellectual Property or the Intellectual Property of any third party and/or the breach by the Client of any provision of this Agreement (i.e. the Client will remain entirely responsible for any losses incurred by Fortrade and the Client will immediately repay such losses to Fortrade when demanded to do so by Fortrade).
17.2 The Client also agrees promptly to pay Fortrade for all damages, costs and expenses, including reasonable legal fees and expenses, incurred by Fortrade in the enforcement of any of the provisions of this Agreement.
18.1 In the event of a complaint in respect of Fortrade’s Services, the Client may write to the Fortrade Compliance Officer. Details of Fortrade’s Complaints Procedure are available on the website.
18.2 Fortrade will try to resolve clients’ complaints as quickly as possible and to each client’s complete satisfaction. If Fortrade is unable to assist further, if it is a Retail Client, the Client may be able to refer its complaint to the UK Financial Ombudsman Service, South Quay Plaza, 183 Marsh Wall, London E14 9SR (Tel: 0845 080 1800).
18.3 Under the FCA Rules, the Client’s investment may be covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme. This protection may only be available to certain types of clients such as Retail Clients and may be subject to certain limits, which will be reviewed from time to time.
18.4 Information on the limits of compensation to which the Client may be entitled if it is eligible to claim compensation, and other important information on the compensation scheme can be found at www.fscs.org.uk, and by contacting the Financial Services Compensation Scheme, 7th Floor, Lloyds Chambers, 1Portsoken Street, London El 8BN (Tel: +44 (0)20 7892 7300).
19.1 Fortrade or other persons or companies connected with it may have an interest, relationship or arrangement in relation to any transaction or Trade, which may give rise to a conflict of interest.
19.2 Fortrade’s Conflict of Interest Policy describes the general character and/or background of conflicts of interest, the conflicts of interest that have been identified may arise, and how such conflicts of interest will be avoided and where necessary managed. As Fortrade provides a number of services to a wide range of clients, there may be times when there is a conflict between Fortrade’s own interests and the duty that Fortrade owes a customer, or a conflict between the differing interests of two or more customers, to whom in each case Fortrade owes a duty.
19.3 Details of Fortrade’s Conflicts of Interest Policy is available on the website.
20.1 Any rights or obligations that the Client may have pursuant to this Agreement shall not be assigned, novated, transferred, sold, or otherwise conveyed to any other person, except with the prior written consent of Fortrade. Fortrade may, however, assign, transfer or novate any rights or obligations it may have pursuant to this Agreement to another party without the consent of the Client. The Client will execute any documents (including a deed of novation) reasonably required by Fortrade to effect such a transfer.
20.2 The terms of this Agreement and any transactions under it, may be amended by Fortrade at any time. Fortrade will provide Notice to the Client of any such amendment as soon as reasonably practicable. The Client agrees to be bound by the terms of such an amendment on the date of the Client making an Order or otherwise making use of the Services after the amendment. Any other amendments must be agreed to in writing between Fortrade and the Client.
20.3 A waiver of any right under the Agreement or law is only effective if it is in writing and shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any subsequent breach or default. No failure or delay by a party in exercising any right or remedy provided under the Agreement or by law shall constitute a waiver of that or any other right or remedy, nor shall it prevent or restrict its further exercise of that or any other right or remedy. No single or partial exercise of such right or remedy shall prevent or restrict the further exercise of that or any other right or remedy.
20.4 Nothing in the Agreement is intended to, or shall be deemed to, establish any partnership or joint venture between the parties, nor constitute either party the agent of the other for any purpose. Neither party shall have authority to act as agent for, or to bind, the other party in any way.
20.5 In the event of any inconsistency between these terms and conditions and any other contracts or documents, exchanged and/or executed between the Client and Fortrade, these terms and conditions shall prevail to the extent of the inconsistency. The Agreement is drafted in the English language. If the Agreement is translated into any other language, the English language version shall prevail.
20.6 If any court or competent authority finds that any provision of this Agreement (or part of a provision) is invalid, illegal or unenforceable, that provision or part provision shall, to the extent required, be deemed deleted, and the validity and enforceability of the other provisions of the Agreement shall not be affected. If any invalid, illegal or unenforceable or invalid provision would be valid, enforceable and legal if some part of it were deleted, the provision shall apply with the minimum modification necessary in order to make it legal, valid and enforceable.
20.7 A person who is not a party to this Agreement shall have no right under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to enforce any of its terms.
20.8 This Agreement, and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with it or its subject matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims), shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with the law of England and Wales.
20.9 Each party irrevocably agrees that the courts of England and Wales shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with this Agreement or its subject matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims).